Friday, April 1, 2016

Insult Poem

Your eyes are too low
Image result for smelly peopleYour stench starts to glow
Your so close to the ground
People use you as a pitcher's mound

Your teeth are too yellow
Your skin is nothing like a pillow
It looks like your hair always has snow
But no one says ya to it they instead say no

You look like a hag
So go put on your bag
Your attitude is so bad
And friends is what you wish you had

No body knows
How to save their nose
When you go by
Then people start to cry

Letter Poem

The Letter R
Can be more than a letter
It can be a boot to wear around
Or a vacuum to tidy up
A hook to catch a fish
Or half a pair of scissors
A slide to yell wee!on the way down
A fish caught on your hook
Or a split umbrella
A foot on top of something
Or a pirate hook to have as you say ARR!
A cane to walk with
A cliff to scale
Or a tree branch which can be so much more
An egg chair like in star wars
Or an egg hook thing to color eggs

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Short Story

The Bad Times
By Marshal Swarny
It was a hot day in Arizona. There were vultures out scavenging for food much like this man. He was wearing a hood with a mask. The man carried a spear and a bag full of several things. On his left arm he had a patch of a vulture with a redhead and black wings with an white body. He lifted up his mask to get a drink of water from a canvas that had the word scavenger scratched in it on one side and Jerod engraved in it on the other side. He was wearing a dark brown, skin tight, one pieced, suite. Over this suite he had a dirty, light orange piece of armor.
This scavenger saw a faint object in the distance. He then pushed a button on the side of his mask and saw past all the sand and heat waves till he saw it was a rock in the distance with shade. The scavenger then started to make his way over to the rock. When he got there he thought it would be a good place to rest. he took off his bag sat down and pulled out one of many maps. He laid the map on his bag and drew a line similar to others on his map and they were all marked storm. for there was a storm coming. The storm was something like a sand storm with lightning and fire in the center of it.he then pulled one out of Pennsylvania and it had a spot marked as safe place. He then packed everything up and continued to move on.Apocalypse-Albert_Goodwin.jpg
The scavenger climbed a hill in hope of getting a good sight of his surrounding area before the nightfall and just below him at the bottom of the hill was a whole city. When he managed his way down he found an old sign saying Phoenix, Arizona. He walked around the old streets with junk all around. As he passed promising pieces of machinery he would scan and search them for useful parts.
After searching a downed helicopter and old cars he came to a building that caught his eyes. So the scavenger began to to go floor to floor. He searched seven stories of the building before he came to the eighth floor when he saw some form of light coming from a room that was barely open. The scavenger walked toward the room with the light. When he opened the door fully he saw what looked like a camp of some sort. city.jpgyards The camp was in a spot where there was a chunk of the building missing,like in other places on the building. The hole was around eleven wide, which gave you access to nearby rooms, and was sixteen yards tall. The camp contained one lamp, eight candles, a green tent on the bed, and a large group of scrap.
The scavenger looked around in the pile and found nothing worth keeping. Then he checked the tent for something and couldn’t find anything. He searched the rest of the room and found a few things to keep but not much. When he checked under the bed and he heard something. The scavenger then pushed the bed over and found a loose board. When he lifted the board he found a power cell and a very powerful one at that. He thought with the parts he had, he could create a dome that would shield him from the storm. The cell was only two feet long and four inches wide. He picked it up and walked out of the room. When he heard a noise that sounded like foot steps. He ran back in the room and climbed out the hole and and tried to climb down but he was curious.
He waited till the noise came into the room and a voice shouted, “What the? Why is bed moved? What caused this?” then the scavenger realized it was another man. Then the stranger yelled, “Who dares mess with Finn?” then he walked over to the hole and on his way he saw the power cell was missing. The window sill the scavenger was holding on to, below the, just gave out on him and he fell and grabbed the one below while being very noisy. The stranger, now known as Finn by the scavenger, hearing this ran towards the whole holding a sledge hammer. When he got there he saw the scavenger hanging there. “You dare take my things and destroy my home!” Finn shouted.
The scavenger quickly rammed his elbow into the window then jumped in the room again. he made a break for the stairs but there was Finn the stranger running at him. The stranger took a swing and the scavenger rolled  under the swing of the hammer. Making him smash the wall. The scavenger ran for the stairs but he tripped over a piece of debris and fell on the side of the staircase that goes up. So he continued to run up the stairs and as he was running he saw the building got worse and worse. He eventually stopped at the twenty-eighth floor. When he ran down the hall he got to a corner where the building was missing.
Finn, the stranger, then barged in the room. He trapped the thief on the edge of the room. Then he smacked the floor with his hammer causing the floor to crack. He then lunged and swung his hammer at the thief again. The thief dove to the right causing the stranger to fall off the building. Except he grabbed on a piece of supporting metal from the floor. The scavenger lied on his chest and reached out his hand over the edge. “Grab my hand,” he yelled. So he grabbed his hand and was pulled up back to the floor.

“Why did you save me after I tried to kill you?” the stranger said. The scavenger replied, “ I may be a thief but I am not a killer.” The stranger said thank you and asked why he wanted the power cell. Then the scavenger explained the oncoming storm. He then told the other man his name was Jared. Then he told him about the storm and what he wanted the power cell. Then he offered a partnership and a friendship. Just when they were about to leave the room the floor snapped at the crack. Jared was able to jump away, but when he stood up Finn was gone. Finn had fallen. Then the scavenger heard a noise A rumbling like noise. He quickly dashed to the other side of the building and looked out the window. The thing he heard was the storm. It had gotten bigger and faster. There was no running now and he could not build the shield. So he just sat there and waited till the storm came to him. And so he sat and when the storm hit it destroyed everything and there was nothing left.

Friday, January 8, 2016